Pertemuan:3 (Object Modelling : Class)

11/12/2013 10:41:00 AM 0 Comments

In this section, the discusion is about :

  1. Name.
  2. Attributes.
  3. Operations.
  4. Responsibilities.
Modeling techniques:
  1. Vocabulary.
  2. Responsibilities.
  3. Non-software things.
  4. Primitive types.

Classes is about Attributes,Operations, and Responsibilities. Modeling the vocabulary of a system. Modeling the distribution of responsibilities. Modeling non-software “things”. Modeling primitive types. Modeling quality abstractions.

Well-structured class; Provides a crisp abstraction drawn from vocabulary of problem or solution. Embodies small, well-defined set of responsibilities. Provides clear separation of the abstractions specification and implementation. Understandable and simple. Extensible and adaptable.

Drawing a UML class; Show only properties that are important in a specific context. Organize long lists of attributes and operations by grouping. Show related classes in the same diagrams.

You can download full chapter from this link: Download Lecture_OOM3


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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