Pertemuan:9 (Object Modelling : Advance Relationship)

11/12/2013 11:44:00 AM 0 Comments

In this section, the discusion is about :

Advanced Concepts on:

Eight Stereotypes of Dependency Among Classes; bind: the source instantiates the target template using the given actual parameters, derive: the source may be computed from the target, friend: the source is given special visibility into the target, instanceOf: the source object is an instance of the target classifier, instantiate: the source creates instances of the target,  powertype: the target is a powertype of the source; a powertype is a classifier whose objects are all the children of a given paren, refine: the source is at a finer degree of abstraction than the target, use: the semantics of the source element depends on the semantics of the public part of the target

Generalization-One stereotype – implementation: the child inherits the implementation of the parent but does not make public nor support its interfaces

Association-Four Basic Adornments of Association: name, role, multiplicity, & aggregation.

Realization-A realization is a semantic relationship between classifiers in which one classifier specifies a contract that another classifier guarantees to carry out. Realization is sufficiently different from dependency, generalization, and association relationships that it is treated as a separate kind of relationship. Semantically, realization is somewhat of a cross between dependency and generalization, and its notation is a combination of the notation for dependency and generalization.

You can download full chapter from this link: Download Lecture_OOM9


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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