Pemodelan Ber-Orientasi Objek
In this section we discussion about :
Developed for discrete event simulation (1967). Simulation modeling is a hard problem for conventional languages. Simulated objects must interact and change state in many different and often unpredictable ways. Simulation can solve problems that are too complex for mathematical equations. Simulation objects are usually easy to identify and communicate via message passing. Origins at Xerox PARC with the work of Alan Kay and Adele Goldberg. The idea was to develop a small language that could be used by everyone on their own personal computers. Influenced by Simula: objects and classes. The WIMP interface is tied closely to Smalltalk. Windows, Icons, Mice and Pointers. Apple picked this up in Lisa and Macintosh
Objects—things, concepts, or entities
Characteristics of Objects:
a. Identity: data is quantized into discrete, distinguishable entities called objects.
b. Classification: objects with the same data structure (attributes) and behavior (operations) are grouped into a class.
c. Polymorphism: the same operation may behave differently on different classes.
d. Inheritance: the sharing of attributes and operations among classes based on a hierarchical relationship.
OOAD ; software development approach that emphasizes a logical solution based on objects. Analysis—finding and describing concepts in the problem domain. Design—defining software objects that represent the analysis concepts and will eventually be implemented in code.
You can download the full chapter here : Object Oriented Modelling Full Chapter
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